Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bicyling to work

In the summertime people praised us for riding our bikes to work.  "How great!" or "Good for you!" they would exclaim.  As the weather got colder and we entered fall we would frequently be asked how many more days we would be riding.  I would answer, "Everyday."  This typically receives an awkward laugh and smile, as if it is impossible to ride a bike to work year round.  I am serious though.  Everyday.  I rode to school throughout the winter in both Utah and New York, and it hasn't been that bad.  This morning we rode in the snow to the Southside, and it is quite amazing.  

Summer riding is nice in good weather.  You can feel the cool wind through your helmet and appreciate all the greenery here in Pittsburgh.

Winter riding is different.  You can still feel the cool wind.  As long as I work the layers appropriately though, I am not cold.  More often, I am warm.  I have a couple of phases of layering depending on how cold the weather is.  So far, I am only in phase one.  Layers are the key.


Bronwyn said...

Mike is also going to ride his bike every day to school- mind you, it is only 2 blocks!

Dr. Cohen said...

That is so very great. The more the merrier!