Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Exercise Nutrition

Last week I came across this article and was worried what I might find on the inside. Most athletes, and people for that matter are so willing to try new things and to believe marketing by the growing business of sports nutrition, that it drives me crazy. I was relieved to read about people who take a common sense approach to nutrition post exercise. I get very excited when people show an ability to think for themselves (an ability I like to think I gained not too long ago), instead of just believing what someone else tells you.

I see many runners who are willing to drink each and every recovery drink and/or sports drink after every run, even short easy runs, when all this isn't even necessary. I personally opt for a little protein shake with some wheat germ and flax seed because it is convenient. I think it tastes alright too. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done for me. Real food is always better than processed food, but what's important is that you get some protein, and some carbs in following your training. You don't need a full meal right away, just a little something to help you repair. Most repairing will happen while you sleep anyway, so just take it easy and eat something.

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